
Author Archives: Tobias Mayer


Sören & Saskia Herzig © Lukas Kirchgasser

Sören Herzig representing Vienna

Experience Vienna. Enjoy the extraordinary.

In Vienna, visitors can still eat well at midnight, indulge in regional delicacies at brunch, and enjoy a top menu at (nearly) any time. This includes everything from schnitzel to vegetarian star cuisine to the traditional Beisl.

“Hello, Ooh-oh, Vienna calling”
Hardly any other city has been sung about by so many different artists of various genres as Austria’s capital. One understands the magic of this city after visiting it fewer times. The charm of the beautiful city centre, the cultural sites, the cafés, the pastries, but also the agile nightlife, the clubs and bars, the shopping streets… Vienna is beautiful on so many levels, which makes it difficult to figure out what to sing about first.

Vienna has been showing a completely new side for the past decade when it comes to top cuisine. For a long time, the city was considered the Mecca of Schnitzel, Goulash and Kaiserschmarrn. Today young and highly talented chefs from the fine-dining gastronomy sector are causing a sensation. One of these chefs is Sören Herzig. He owns and operates the Herzig Restaurant in the 15th district with his partner Saskia Herzig. The restaurant has been awarded 3 Gault&Millau toques.

  • Fr. 28.10.
  • Moderated 5-course lunch menu with wine accompaniment
  • Waldorf Astoria
  • Hardenbergstraße 28 | 10623 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 179,-

Sören Herzig

Presenter Gerhard Retter © Seasons Agency / Jalag / Rupprecht, Pieter-Pan

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the winner takes it all

After the pandemic, Serhat Aktas business is really taking off. He and his chef Ronny Marx recently got the first toque (chef’s hat) from Gault&Millau, and their Lagencup is going very well too. His wine bar, especially his beautiful courtyard are becoming an absolute go-to place for wine nerds from all over the city.

The Lagencup is the theme of this evening. The finest site wine among the offerings from the participating wineries is selected once a year by Aktas and a jury of top wine specialists. The Schäfer family’s VDP Weingut Burggarten is the winner for the year 2022 in the area of “red wine.” It makes us especially happy that the winning winery is from the Ahr Valley, which was nearly destroyed by last year’s floods. On that evening, we’ll find a way for you to donate to the area via the VDP.der Adler hilft campaign.

So, enjoy the wonderful wines of the Schäfer family and the now G&M award-winning food of Ronny Marx. This is going to be a blast!

  • Fr. 28.10.
  • 4-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • Weinlobbyist
  • Kolonnenstraße 62 | 
10827 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 119,-

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Champagne does not stain like red wine

Joachim Gerner, Michael Kempf, Dominik Thiele, Maximilian Schmidt © Christian Kielmann

Champagne does not stain like red wine

“Champagne does not stain like red wine” is the convincing argument of the house for this evening. But that’s not the only argument we have: 1. the location. A very good one, as we know, because the FACIL in The Mandala Hotel has won several awards. In addition, it was awarded two Michelin stars and is known among gourmets as a guarantor of happiness. Just like our second argument: Michael Kempf.

His culinary art has been the hallmark of FACIL’s cuisine since the very beginning. Not only are there no red wine stains when he and his colleagues serve seven courses, but there are also magnificent creations that must be toasted several times. Obviously, with champagne!

This brings us to our final argument: Maximilian Schmidt, a sommelier, and Dominik Thiede, from the Vin sur Vin Diffusion, will be present to pair the excellent menu with their moderation and selection of drinks. After this dinner, we guarantee that you will have a better understanding of what good champagne is.  On this special evening, a special surprise awaits you: a large bottle of a special kind. Plus: a pirate, Arr, Arr. In other words, a bottle that is poured under cover so that you can taste it blindly. This will sharpen your senses! In this sense… cheers!

  • Sa. 29.10.
  • 7-course-menu with accompanying champagnes
  • Facil
  • Potsdamer Straße 3 | 10785 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 299,-

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Markus Herbicht

Markus Herbicht’s full lunch

Where Sarotti chocolate once melted, you may now melt yourself. Fortunately, Markus Herbicht’s culinary art is not only reserved for celebrities such as Madonna, the Thai royal family or Angela Merkel; you can also enjoy his cuisine, which is influenced by Spanish cuisine.

At this event, in the form of a multi-course lunch menu is guaranteed to feel Spanish to you! After all, seafood and Andalusia meet on the plate here. And because olé also includes vino, the menu is of course accompanied by a fine selection of great wines. Is there anything missing? Claro, la musica!

While the palate is being enchanted by Spanish music, the ears are feasting on guitar music. We have a suspicion that the halls of the former Sarotti courtyards will be acoustically presented from their chocolate side. 

With this format, Markus Herbicht received the eat! berlin Audience Award in 2018. The tickets will probably be in hot demand. 

  • Su. 30.10.
  • Multi-course lunch menu with wine accompaniment and Spanish guitar
  • Schmelzwerk in den Sarotti-Höfen
  • Mehringdamm 55 | 
10961 Berlin
  • Admission: 11.30 am | Start: 12.00 am
  • 98,-

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Humboldt’s trail

Restaurant Wilhelm

Christoph Rüffer ** in Berlin

Wilhelm von Humboldt, a scholar from Prussia, embarked on his journey to northern Germany in 1796. He traveled to Rügen, passed through the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein while driving along the Baltic shore, and landed in Hamburg after that. He would have stopped at Christoph Rüffer’s place without a doubt if the Haerlin with its two stars had been around at that time. Considering that Humboldt was known as a gourmet. However, before leaving, he would have gone to the Cordo to say goodbye to Yannic Stockhausen * and to have coffee with the fantastic up-and-coming talent Fabian Fiedler.

After all, the brew had been known at the court of the great elector since 1675.  Furthermore, Wilhelm would have eaten at the Restaurant Wilhelm in the Humboldt Forum and certainly would have felt at home.  The newly opened top restaurant is also home to the very top chef we will be hearing a lot more about: Fabian Fiedler. He prepared meals at Aqua and in Hamburg alongside Rüffer and Sven Elverfeld ***. He made friends with Yannic Stockhausen there and ever since.

As for the wine accompaniment, we have winemakers who can fill the gigantic frame. On one hand, the great Hans-Jörg Rebholz from the VDP.winery Ökonomierat Rebholz and one the other hand Joachim Heger from the VDP. winery Dr. Heger from Baden.

  • Su. 30.10.
  • 6-course menu with accompanying wines
  • Restaurant WilhelmAlexander, Humboldt Forum
  • Schloßplatz | 10178 Berlin
  • Admission: 6:30 pm | Start: 7:00 pm
  • 190,-

Yannik Stockhausen

Fabian Fiedler

Christoph Rueffer

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10 years THE GRAND

Restaurant The Grand

Schulz, Roth and a hammel wine accompaniment

Since nomen est omen, “The Grand” has big plans: for its tenth anniversary: Celebrating like in the 90s Supper Club, dining like in Paris in the 50s to the live beats of The Grand DJ, is part of the program. 

Chef Thilo Roth and Michelin-starred chef Michael Schulz, residents at Irma La Douce and Berlin Master Chef of 2021, will be on the decks, making for an excellent lineup in the kitchen as well. Six courses will be served, ranging from French to German cuisine, from fish to dry-aged beef and from classic dishes to refined combinations.

Musically, we’re in for a musical treat with DJ Don Rogall, vintage rock and roll, and the original Bump’n’Grind dancers from the legendary in-house Grand Tease

In addition to the musical accompaniment, an excellent beverage accompaniment must not be missing, of course. Furthermore, the signature dishes served are given liquid reinforcement by a fine selection from the exceptional vintner Christoph Hammel – from aperitifs to sweet wines, served with entertaining vintner knowledge, as the Palatinate native is one of the most original and entertaining personalities in the wine world. Four rockstars at The Grand, this can only be great!

  • Mo. 31.10.
  • 6-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • The Grand
  • Hirtenstraße 4
 | 10178 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 199,-

Thilo Roth @ Lena Ganssmann

Michael Schulz @Florian Kroll

Restaurant The Grand

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Sheila Wolf

Battle for the sash of the Berlin Wine Queen

In 1950, the Süddeutsche Zeitung still described the candidates for the election of the wine queen as “real daughters of the vineyards, of sturdy build, exceedingly healthy and apple-cheeked”.  Later, the standards changed, and older gentlemen tended to select young girls with more traditional ideals of beauty. Again and again, attempts were made to counteract the inherently chauvinistic aspirations of the election itself and to give the elections for wine princesses and wine queens a modern touch.  Whether the qualities “modern” and “wine queen” really belong together is something everyone may determine for themselves. If not modern, then glamorous at least! How do you imagine a real Berlin wine queen?  Definitely not apple-cheeked and healthy. No daughters of the vineyards, but queens of the night. Real vamps, real bitches, real bangers and above all: real drags.

4 candidates will face a jury this evening and they will perform for the bet, talk their heads off and they will fight for the crown. The games are on!

The evening will be hosted and curated by your host, Sheila Wolf. Don’t think she is a wolf disguised as a sheep though. In fact, she intends to kill the wolf herself to wear it as a fur collar. Sheila Wolf is the founder and producer of the Vaudeville Variety Burlesque Revue, Berlin’s largest cabaret theater. She also founded and organizes the Berlin Boylesque Drag Festival and the burlesque late-night show Hotel Gl’Amouresque, both are consistently sold out. A new TV format called “Diva in me” is also available on TVNOW. Her partnership with eat! berlin is a dream come true for our curator and festival director. He has been fighting for this event format for over 6 years.

From Wolf to Wulf. More specifically, to celebrity chef Alexander Wulf. He is the world’s only star chef with Russian roots. In 2021, he fulfilled a lifelong dream with the Troyka restaurant in Erkelenz (near Mönchengladbach). After all, we are choosing Berlin’s wine queen and awarding a crown. There is probably no better-fitting chef than Franz Berlin of the Hotel Krone Lamm in Bad Teinach-Zavelstein, west of Stuttgart. He too has been awarded a star and should you be planning your next vacation in Germany, we really recommend this hotel. Gourmets seeking relaxation, in particular, and people seeking relaxation in general, visit this place frequently. Who is to say that he leaves Berlin to return to Berlin?

The wines are provided by winemaker and former wine princess Simona Maier. The birth name of the master winemaker is actually Simon Maier. It’s often foolish to put white wines in a red wine glass. Things are a bit more complicated when women are born in male bodies. It is especially difficult to imagine what it was like for young Simon back then to grow up in a conservative agricultural environment as a girl trapped in a boy’s body.  Today Simona is where she belongs, and on this evening, she belongs in the Master Hall. She will be present as a winemaker and as one of the jurors for the election of the Berlin Wine Queen.

  • Mo. 31.10.
  • 5-course-menu with accompanying wines and show
  • Meistersaal
  • Köthener Str. 38
 | 10963 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 179,-

Simona Maier

Franz Berlin

Alexander Wulf

Meistersaal © BESL Linnerz

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Sticks’n’Sushi’ culinary strategy is now overseen by three chefs. Sune Rahbek has been in the kitchen of Sticks’n’Sushi in Copenhagen since he was 12 years old. After that, he performed as a chef in Dubai and New York, but for 15 out of the past 20 years, he has been head chef at Sticks’n’Sushi. He definitely contributes to the restaurants culinary DNA. Sune is currently head chef in one of the main restaurant in Copenhagen, located in the beautiful Tivoli Gardens

Song Lee represents Sticks’n’Sushi on behalf of Berlin. Previously, the South Korean chef was on the road in various culinary postitions in Hamburg and Berlin. Among others, at the Hyatt, the Daemon and the Nikkei Nine. Today Song Lee is Area Head Chef for the expanding restaurant chain in Berlin.

Last but not least, London, where South Korean chef Mil Lee is preparing the food. He joined the company in 2013 and is currently the UK’s Area Head Chef.

The caviar is provided by Jacob Rossini from Denmark and the sake is provided by the premium brand Masumi. The polished rice drink has been conquering Europe for a few years now, and Berlin in particular, and it is as cosmopolitan as ever, as evidenced by formats like Sake Week.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the three Head Chefs and experience the combination between Japanese tradition and the Danish heritage.

  • Tue. 1.11.
  • Multi-course menu with sake accompaniment
  • Sticks’n’Sushi
  • Kantstraße 152 | 10115 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7.00 pm
  • 165,-

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Delightful Cinema

Alexander Dressel und Björn Swanson vor der Astor Filmlounge © Christian kielmann

Swanson & Dressel in the Astor Filmlounge

Do you love cinema and food as much as we do? If that’s the case, don’t limit yourself to popcorn and cheese nachos during the movies; there are plenty of other options. The Astor Film Lounge, for example, offers not only very comfortable armchairs, but also unique snacks and a great wine list. However, this evening, we will once again outshine everything in our usual manner. May there be a little name-dropping? Previously, Tim Raue**, Hendrik Otto**, Michael Kempf**, and Max Strohe* have cooked here.

We invited Alexander Dressel* and Björn Swanson* from the Faelt in Schöneberg to participate in this year’s series. We’ve previously worked with both chefs. Dressel is even a two-time eat! berlin award winner. In 2020, he was honored as a promoter of epicurean culture and also received the audience award in the same year. He was given the patron award because, as president of the top chefs’ association Jeunes Restaurateurs Deutschland, he has made significant contributions to the organization and, as a result, to German culinary culture. The JRE is also what connects Dressel and Swanson; Björn is the only Berlin member. 

During the evening, they will cook us a 4-course menu. For you to enjoy the meals the movie “À la Carte! – Freedom goes through the stomach” will have to be interrupted occasionally. This film takes us to France in 1789, where the powdered aristocrats lived in luxury. One of the personal chefs of one of the aristocrats dares to serve his master something ordinary such as potatoes and is therefore expelled from court. As revenge, he opens the first restaurant in France, where everyone is spoiled with culinary delicacies. The film is beautifully staged and sympathetically cast.

  • Tue. 1.11.
  • 4-course-menu with film screening and accompanying wines
  • ASTOR Film Lounge
  • Kurfürstendamm 225 | 
10719 Berlin
  • Admission: 7.30 pm | Start: 8.00 pm
  • 99,-

© 2017 Premium Entertainment GmbH ASTOR Film Lounge

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The eat! berlin team has long wished to host vegan evenings. However, we have also consistently worked with the city’s top chefs. In 2020, Matthias Gleiß handed over the Volt-kitchen to his sous chef at the time, Christopher Jäger, who has been running it ever since with absolute conviction.

For the five vegan courses at eat! berlin Christopher Jäger will not miss the opportunity to personally provide boundless vegetable pleasures. Uwe Marschke from Wolkensteiner Hof, whose sustainable vegetable production in Brandenburg has earned him the hearts and kitchens of Berlin’s top restaurants, supports him when it comes to ingredients.

The complementary wines are produced by winemaker Clemens Busch, whose eponymous winery is dedicated to biodiversity and environmental conservation. The renowned Mosel winery has some incredibly intriguing top sites and plants wines on blue, red, and grey slate.

  • We. 2.11.
  • 5-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • Restaurant Volt
  • Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21
 | 10999 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 179,-

Matthias Gleiß

Restaurant Volt

Clemens Busch

Sophie Bollmann & Christopher Jäger

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Sticks’n’Sushi’ culinary strategy is now overseen by three chefs. Sune Rahbek has been in the kitchen of Sticks’n’Sushi in Copenhagen since he was 12 years old. After that, he performed as a chef in Dubai and New York, but for 15 out of the past 20 years, he has been head chef at Sticks’n’Sushi. He definitely contributes to the restaurants culinary DNA. Sune is currently head chef in one of the main restaurant in Copenhagen, located in the beautiful Tivoli Gardens.

Song Lee represents Sticks’n’Sushi on behalf of Berlin. Previously, the South Korean chef was on the road in various culinary postitions in Hamburg and Berlin. Among others, at the Hyatt, the Dae Mon and the Nikkei Nine. Today Song Lee is Area Head Chef for the expanding restaurant chain in Berlin.

Last but not least, London, where South Korean chef Mil Lee is preparing the food. He joined the company in 2013 and is currently the UK’s Area Head Chef.

The caviar is provided by Jacob Rossini from Denmark and the sake is provided by the premium brand Masumi. The polished rice drink has been conquering Europe for a few years now, and Berlin in particular, and it is as cosmopolitan as ever, as evidenced by formats like Sake Week.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the three Head Chefs and experience the combination between Japanese tradition and the Danish heritage.

  • Tue. 2.11.
  • Multi-course menu with sake accompaniment
  • Sticks’n’Sushi
  • Torstraße 171 | 10115 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7.00 pm
  • 165,-

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Alexanders and Billys boozy idea


Johannes Kolonko

Matthias Sievert

Alexanders and Billys boozy idea

When it comes to alcohol, we see liquor as the King. In reality, it’s the beverage category that is the most misappropriated. The newest gin or single malt scotch always causes a stir. Most of it is pure marketing – a nice paper wrapper for industrial liquor with no provenance, individuality or craft.

Throughout the liquor dinner, Billy Wagner and his team show how it’s done properly. The evening’s main focus was the traditional fruit brandy, since fruit brandy is capable of much more than just sweetly blowing out your lights. Trust is crucial, especially when dealing with liquor, the purest form of alcohol.

You should have faith in the distiller’s skill, the products, and their flawless preparation. You will be led through Micha Schäfer’s menu by two local distillery industry figures who completely merit your trust: Matthias Sievert from Spiritus Rex in Schleswig-Holstein and Johannes Kolonko from the Kolonko Distillery in the Markgräflerland region south of Freiburg.

  • Tue. 2.11.
  • 10-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • Nobelhart & Schmutzig
  • Friedrichstraße 218 | 
10969 Berlin
  • Admision: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 330,-

Nobelhart & Schmutzig

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Grand Master of Spices

Peter Scharff

Peter Scharff, Ralf Zacherl & Marcel Woest in Schmidt Z&KO

When top chefs Ralf Zacherl and Marcel Woest meet the grand master of spices Peter Scharff, it promises good entertainment on all levels – that is certain. When someone who puts his heart and soul into spices is also called Scharff, then that is definitely a candidate for our eat! berlin. After all we are considered the grand masters of the corny.

Why are Zacherl, Woest and Scharff making us so happy? For starters, of course, they both share a talents as entertainers, which they both possess as a result of their extensive TV backgrounds. However, Zacherl and Scharff are particularly skilled cooks, and they will work together this evening. 

Since guest chef Peter Scharff is, as I mentioned, a master of his craft when it comes to herbs and spices, we can expect a four-course dinner that is guaranteed to be well seasoned. A hand-picked spice blend from Scharff’s “Trust Me” factory is used to enhance the aroma of the culinary art of the twenty-first century, which is being celebrated this evening at Schmidt Z&KO. In combination with the wine accompaniment from Schmidt Z&KO, it should be an enjoyable and spicy evening!

  • Thu. 3.11.
  • Apero + Fingerfood + 4 courses with accompanying wines
  • Schmidt Z&KO
  • Rheinstraße 45–46
 | 12161 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.00 pm | Start: 6.30 pm
  • 159,-

Ralf Zacherl & Marcel Woest

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Le prince noir at Le Faubourg

Vivien Durand

Ernest Dizdarevic

Bordeaux, Berlin and Bönnigheim

There is hardly a better place in Berlin to enjoy the “Savoir Vivre”, than at Le Faubourg. The food has a distinctly French feel to it, and while restaurants all over the city usually close for lack of staff at lunchtime, you can still enjoy a wonderful déjeuner here.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Vivien Durand this year. After a remarkable career, among others with Ducasse, he took over the kitchen management of the restaurant Le Prince Noir in the city of Bordeaux. Originally from the Pyrenees, the chef is decorated with one star in the Guide Michelin and three toques in Gault&Millau. But if you are now expecting a stiff, liveried representative of French high gastronomy, Vivien will surprise you with his relaxed, likeable and unpretentious manner.

Vivien Durand will create a delightful menu for you along with the equally laid-back and excellent Le Faubourg chef Ernest Dizdarevic. He will accom- panied by the VDP.Estate Dautel from Württemberg.

  • Thu. 3.11.
  • 6-course menu with accompanying wines
  • Le Faubourg
  • Augstburger Str. 41
 | 10789 Berlin
  • Admission: 6:30 pm | Start: 7:00 pm
  • 169,-

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a trustful evening with Bernd Matthies and Ulrich Amling

This evening is a phenomenon since, in the time we have been organizing it, every event space has always been completely booked. Despite this, none of the attendees knew who the chefs and winemakers would be this evening when they checked in. This demonstrates the high level of trust in the Tagesspiegel and, in particular, in renowned restaurant critic Bernd Matthies. Since joining the daily newspaper as an editor in 1983, he has followed the development of Berlin’s restaurant scene and is responsible for the hype of many. 

He was one of the first to write about Restaurant Horvth, praising Sebastian Frank’s extraordinary talent and ensuring that there would be a long waiting time to get a table. In 2018, Bernd Matthies was honored by the eat! berlin team for his work as a “promoter of epicurean culture.” He is assisted by Ulrich Amling.

As editor in charge of culture at the Tagesspiegel, he quickly discovered a great passion for wine. Today, he writes restaurant reviews as well. He is therefore equally destined to plan the event and, of course, to act as its moderator.

Now for the facts: there are none.  So, keep trusting us, we’re not giving anything away … it is and will remain a blind date. The only hint we can give you is the location: Schmelzwerk in dem Sarotti-Höfe.

  • Sa. 5.11.
  • Multi-course menu with wine accompaniment
  • Schmelzwerk in Sarotti-Höfe
  • Mehringdamm 55 | 10961 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 139,-
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